Not much Sun, but a welcome change from London's steel and glass monopoly.
Really good to get back and see the old gang from School. Many properly grown up, owning houses, gettting married, with proper jobs. It can still be far more fun going out in Swansea than it is in London.
Cheap beer + a real sense of fun make for crazy nights out. Though the choice of somewhere called 'flares' may not have been strong.
Nice idea for a film. Will probably watch it this weekend.
Film crew went to make a documentary about Hugo Chavez. Luckily (for the documentary makers), there was a coup during their filming time. They captured it all.
They've been having difficulty getting it in cinema screens across the world. Now they've put it on Google Video.
Not including those silly ones from random companies.
This one was paid for and built by an agency.
Would be interested in naming and shaming whoever made this. Might dig out a copy of ALF to get in touch with these idiots.
What were they thinking? The thing that links reducing mortgages is a game of Tetris? A slow one? That frustrates you by not working and then when you click on it a pop-up of a completely unrelated company pops up?
Well done for selling it to the client. Hope they didn't pay too much for it...
Really hate all the hippies. Especially animal rights hippies.
I hope they are force fed tesco value chicken while in prison. Could there be a change in the law so that we don't allow people to be vegetarians in jail?