Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Beer fingerprints to go UK-wide | The Register
This is wrong. The government will be collecting data on where you drink. This will also give them the names of the people you hang out with. There is no reason for the government to need to know this information, and definitely intrudes way too far into people's lives.
Interesting to see that councils are able to setup a ID system that is hugely cheaper than the government's proposed cards...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Now that's just silly
Now that's just silly
Originally uploaded by mild_swearwords.
Some people get into the christmas spirit.
Others put a couple of decorations up around the house.
The REALLY committed can't bear to not have Christmas imprinted on every single thing they do. This means they have to involve Christmas at their most intimate moments.
Morrissons have bravely stepped up to the challenge and provided what we've always wanted - christmas themed loo roll.
Idiots. Anyone who buys this deserves to have their money stolen.
Might make cheap wrapping paper though!!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
The Aftermath
The Aftermath
Originally uploaded by mild_swearwords.
Amusing story.
Went to a house party last night, to celebrate(?) Charlie leaving on a round the world trip.
He was having a fantastic time. Until he accidentally told his shiny new girlfriend about the fact that he'd had sex with one of the girls there. Six years ago. Once and never again.
For some reason this annoyed her out of all proportion. She stormed off to bed and then in the morning tried to run off without saying goodbye to anyone.
In order to move her car out, she needed to move someone's car out of the way. She tried and failed miserable, crashing the car which wasn't hers into Charlie's sister's car.
Obviously, after this convoluted series of events, it was decided (by Charlie's sister) that it was Charlie's fault everything had happened.
Therefore Charlie has to pay because he annoyed his girlfriend and she broke stuff.
Who says it's a man's world?
Friday, October 13, 2006
Cultural Week
On Monday I went to see 'an inconvenient truth' the Al Gore film which shows how he's single handedly trying to save the Earth. With a PowerBook apple computer. Might start staring into my laptop with an intense expression while making random presentations. Seems to work for him!
Wednesday I had a lovely dinner party with a Barrister and someone who is about to start studying to become a Rabbi. Most interesting and civilised talking over dinner.
Tonight I have been to see the new Kevin Spacey play in the Old Vic. I really enjoyed it. It wasn't the most sophisticated of plays, I think my dad would have moaned and said it was predictable and derivative. However Spacey was very impressive and the lead female (whoever she was) did a solid job. Worth seeing.
Admittedly on Tuesday I got drunk in the Roadhouse in Covent Garden. That wasn't quite as cultured...
Monday, October 09, 2006 | Broadcast | Terry Lloyd killed by US fire, say ballistics expects
If this was French troops being accused of accidentally shooting a journalist dead the press would be baying for blood. It's slightly concerning how much this story has been buried in many of hte papers.
Admittedly this is happening on the same day that a concerning nation has acquired nuclear weapons, but still! | Broadcast | Terry Lloyd killed by US fire, say ballistics expects
If this was French troops being accused of accidentally shooting a journalist dead the press would be baying for blood. It's slightly concerning how much this story has been buried in many of hte papers.
Admittedly this is happening on the same day that a concerning nation has acquired nuclear weapons, but still!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The aliens are occupying the humans. They're running terrorist operations to attack the aliens. The aliens think they've come along to help the humans, but have no clear idea of what they're going to do.
The humans want to bomb collaborators and are looking to recruit suicide bombers. One of the terrorist leaders has been tortured and now wants to go further.
They've taken the old darkness and retacheted it up even further.
Fetal babies
Maybe the solution to the time limit should be that the foetus is removed from the woman's womb and the resulting baby is given to people willing to adopt. This (probably HUGE) cost would be covered by an optional baby saving tax.
Happy solution - the people who care pay, the woman has the option to change her mind (and a small scar) and the pope will smile.
"Malcolm Murdoch" - Google Search
Now when you search for me on Google, the top result isn't the silly page that says I once played Diplomacy.
Also, there's a little Ziki thing where they're bidding on my name. In some ways that's cool. In others it's probably not.
Anyway - check out Ziki it's quite a funky service and there are some people on there who are worth subscribing to.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Clothes Buying
I think part of the move to London is that I like having anonymity. It is nice to be recognised and thought of as local, but I don't like people seeing my patterns of behaviour. I think it's nice to be slightly unpredictable but my shopping shows the mundane facts - I am extremely predictable.
The salesperson showed me some clothes at the beginning and he was right. I like to think that I'd be able to find something in the shop I liked more. However, he was able to balance price and how much I might like it pretty well.
Ah well. Predictable as always